The Boolean Toolbar is part of the “Part Workbench” ( Not to be confused with the “Part Design Workbench.”)
The Boolean Toolbar executes various boolean operations on two “shapes” at a time. Complex operations can be completed by chaining boolean operations.
Below you will find an example of each Boolean operation and the resulting shapes. ( Not all inclusive. )
Boolean “Cut” – Results in a Cut
Remove material or “Cut” one shape using a second shape.

Boolean Union – Results in a Fusion
Create a shape that combines all of the two selected shapes.

Boolean Intersection – Results in a Common
Create a shape that includes only the overlapping portions of the two selected shapes.

The command names differ from what is shown in the Object Tree. however, the icons are consistent.

Boolean XOR – Results in an XOR
Create a shape that removes any overlapping material of the two selected shapes.

Exploded Slice – Results in Slice.0 and Slice.1
Create two shapes from a Cut shape. The two shapes will be the separated from the intersection of the cutting object. Each of the exploded slices can be operated on individually.

Make Compound – Results in a Compound Object
This creates a single object from two shapes. This is similar to Union.

Connects two walled shapes at their intersection while keeping the union. Good for making piping connections.

Remove the intersection of a walled object, similar to cut.

Join two walled objects together. Inner voids may end up obstructed.