Draft Modification Tools Toolbar
The Draft modification toolbar is used to modify items created using the Draft Workbench. Primarily desing to operate in a 2.5D Space, the Draft modification Toolbar ( and tools ) […]
Draft Creation Tools Toolbar
To add geometries to a design we can turn to the Draft Creation Tools. The toolbar gives access to all the geometries available in the Draft Workbench, as well as […]
Sketcher Tools Toolbar
The Sketcher Tools Toolbar provides functions to manipulate items within the sketch. There are more tools available from the tool menu, only the most used are included in the toolbar. […]
File Toolbar
The file toolbar is more of the document management set of tools. Document level activities are found in this toolbar. File Management New Open Save Print Edit Tools Cut Copy […]
Measure Toolbar
The Measure Toolbar exposes the basic tools to make in drawing measurements. Basic measurements can be made using two geometries. The measurements made with this tool are linked to the […]
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