Settings – Changing Unit of Measure

How to change the Unit of Measure in FreeCAD ?

NOTE: These intructions where written using the FreeCAD Daily Build version: 0.19

FreeCAD has it’s general preferences in the “Preferences” Dialog

Access From the Menu

To access the Preferenes Dialog, select “Edit” from the main menu and click Preferences.

Acess Using Shortcut Keys

Press Alt-E, then P ( if P does not work scroll down to Preferences )

Click the Left Colum Tab marked General ( this is the default selection ). Then click the tab at the top of the dialog marked “Units”

Select General Preferences
Select Units Tab

In the Units Tab you can now select one of the Unit systems and the details for that system

Select Units To Be Used

When you are finished click Apply. If you are done with the setting you can simply click Ok. Settings will be saved and the Dialog will be dismissed.

To fully change the Units used you will need to Restart FreeCAD. In some places FreeCAD will use the changed units right away but other places will not.

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